Goodbye, My Love Bouquet
Honour your loved one with a kind condoling Goodbye, My Love Bouquet. This arrangement features pure creamy white roses and pearly white lilies, lovingly wrapped in sympathy silvery grey and dusty white tulle, and tied with a pearly satin ribbon. White flowers offer the deepest sympathies; white roses symbolise purity, innocence, and reverence, while white lilies represent the restored innocence of the departed soul. Together, they are paired into a beautiful bouquet for gentle condolences.
Specific flower varieties may differ based on seasonal availability. We try our best to match what you see and only substitute with a similar colour, shape. We always ensure we send something similar and just as pretty! Stem count, packaging and container may vary.
Pickup is available at 24 Centreway, Mount Waverley VIC 3149.
Please double check your delivery address and ensure that the correct details have been entered at checkout.
*T&Cs may apply for certain delivery suburbs.