Valentine's Day Flowers - Mixed Rose Bouquet
Creamy lipstick in merlot red. Pollen-specked garden daisies. Plump mulberries, ripe on the vine. All moments of delight - like our Lucky Dip Rose Bouquet! Our Lucky Dip Queen of Hearts Rose Bouquet is our florist's pick of a dozen or double dozen seasonal roses, from roses dappled in lavender with a soft fading mulberry hue, pale mauve roses curled in licks of petals, cherry red roses for true love, and pretty pink roses unfurling at the bud. A mix of roses in a romantic bouquet, shrouded in swathes of white gossamer, foamy sea-foam tulle, and classy black. Tied with a pearly white satin ribbon.
Lucky Dip means our florist selects a mix of seasonal and fresh roses. This may be red, purple, orange, pink, yellow or white depending on seasonal availability.Â
What's inside?
- Ten or Twenty Roses
- Florist's Fresh Foliage
- Deluxe Wrapping
- FREE Valentine's Day-themed A8 Card
Specific flower varieties may differ based on seasonal availability. We try our best to match what you see and only substitute with a similar colour, shape. We always ensure we send something similar and just as pretty! Stem count, packaging and container may vary.Â
Pickup is available at 24 Centreway, Mount Waverley VIC 3149.
Please double check your delivery address and ensure that the correct details have been entered at checkout.
*T&Cs may apply for certain delivery suburbs.