Lucky Dip Seasonal Round Bouquet
A stunning flower bouquet made by Melissa's Florist, the Lucky Dip Seasonal Round Bouquet features a delightful mix of seasonally fresh flowers. This chic round-style arrangement includes a vibrant selection of white, pink, yellow, purple, and green blooms. Well-loved, this bouquet has earned the name of a simple beauty, perfect for any occasion. Our florist hand-picks a selection of sun-seasonal, farm-fresh, and hot-harvested blooms from chrysanthemums, carnations, white baby's breath and violet irises, celebrating nature's plentiful embrace with simple, fresh flowers.
Mum flowers, Birthday flowers, Congratulations flowers.
Specific flower varieties may differ based on seasonal availability. We try our best to match what you see and only substitute with a similar colour, shape. We always ensure we send something similar and just as pretty! Stem count, packaging and container may vary.
Pickup is available at 24 Centreway, Mount Waverley VIC 3149.
Please double check your delivery address and ensure that the correct details have been entered at checkout.
*T&Cs may apply for certain delivery suburbs.