Valentine's Day Flowers - Red Roses + Vase!
Our florist's pick of our freshest, silkiest red roses. A mix of satin-red, velvety Australian and Ecuadorian roses beautifully arranged in a tall and clear glass vase. Send her a rose bouquet she will remember - and a vase she can keep! Make her feel oh-so-special with the romantic red rose bouquet of her dreams. Show her you care. Celebrate your romantic devotion, reignite a beloved sweetheart or confess your newfound affection. There is no lovelier way to ask "Will you be my Valentine?". A bold, tasteful statement of love that exudes luxury.
What’s in this?
- 10 OR 20 Red Roses (Long-stemmed 50cm)
- Vase (Approx. 40cm or 30cm)
- FREE Valentine’s-themed Mini Card
- FREE Chocolate Hearts Giftbox (at request only and while stock lasts!)
Delight, ignite - and most of all - Relight your love! We’re cheering for you and your beloved - happy Valentine’sing!
Pictured is the 20 stem product in a vase.
Usually lasts 5-7 days, if cared for some last longer.
接客地点为 24 Centreway, Mount Waverley VIC 3149。