Premium Florists. Premium Florists.

Flowers have an exquisite language all their own, expressing sentiments without uttering a word. At Melissa's Florist and Gifts, your premier Mount Waverley florist, we believe that every bloom carries a message.
Join us as we uncover the symbolism and meanings behind a selection of our exquisite offerings, available seasonally.
1. Radiant Roses ( Roses) Symbol
Love & Passion Season: Year-round Graceful and timeless, roses whisper of love and passion. Perfect for heartfelt expressions and romantic gestures, these blooms are a symbol of emotions that transcend time.
2. Native Beauty (Native Flowers) Symbol
Connection to Nature Season: Varies by Type Native flowers pay homage to the land and its spirit. With a range of meanings tied to different species, they symbolise a deep connection to nature's beauty and resilience.
3. Sunny Sunflowers (Sunflower) Symbol
Joy & Happiness Season: Summer to Autumn Sunflowers exude a cheerful aura, embodying joy and happiness. Their bright and bold presence radiates positivity, making them a delightful choice for spreading smiles.
4. Kaleidoscope of Kale Flowers (Kale Flowers) Symbol
Whimsical Abundance Season: Autumn Kale flowers weave a tapestry of whimsy and abundance. These unique blooms evoke a sense of celebration, making them a distinctive choice for expressing cheerful exuberance.
Every flower is a masterpiece that tells a story, and at Melissa's Florist and Gifts, we're passionate about helping you convey your sentiments through these natural wonders. Explore the hidden language of flowers, where each petal carries a message of its own. Visit Melissa's Florist and Gifts to discover the perfect bloom to convey your emotions, whether it's love, joy, or a connection to nature's beauty.
Thanks for writing this insightful post Melissa’s Florist and Gifts! It’s so interesting to learn that Kale Flowers are considered kaleidoscopic-now I realise they do look a like swirls of colour, purple and cream!