Red & Green Colour Splash Bouquet
Vibrant and virile red, pink & blue hues mixed effortlessly into a Colour Splash Bouquet. Firey red Gerbera, tangerine orange rose, cotton white carnation and banana-yellow Oriental Lily, silkily wrapped in a violet mist of sea-green gossamer. Tied with true green satin ribbon. Our bestselling bouquet, the Colour Splash Bouquet is your number one popular choice for every and any floral occasion.
Mother's Day flowers, Valentine's Day flowers, Father's Day flowers, Happy Birthday Flowers, Happy Anniversary flowers, Get well soon flowers, Congratulations flowers, Thank you so much in appreciation flowers. With our multiple options and styles, we're sure you'll find the perfect fit for today's special person.
The other pictures displayed are available products on this shop, however this product is advertising the Red & Green Colour Splash Bouquet only.Â
Specific flower varieties may differ based on seasonal availability. We try our best to match what you see and only substitute with a similar colour, shape. We always ensure we send something similar and just as pretty! Stem count, packaging and container may vary.Â
Pickup is available at 24 Centreway, Mount Waverley VIC 3149.
Please double check your delivery address and ensure that the correct details have been entered at checkout.
*T&Cs may apply for certain delivery suburbs.