Lucky Dip Colour Rose Bouquet

$138.00 销售 节省

Dappled in moonlight. Speckled with sea foam. Melted in snow. Our Lucky Dip Colour Rose Bouquet eclipses the traditional red rose, bolstering the luxury feel of icy snow blue roses speckled in snowflakes, gushing in royal splendour. An icy blast of cold snow alp blizzards. The chill glacial bite of peppermint and spearmint minty-fresh. Frost crackling and crystallising over glass, icicles. 

No rose bouquet quite says 'be mine' like our Snow Blue Rose Bouquet. A bold, novel and mint-fresh take on the classic red rose bouquet. Ignite your passionate affections today with this one-of-a-kind special rose bouquet for your one-of-a-kind special person.

What's inside?

  • 6 Blue Roses (Long-stemmed 45 cm) 
  • Foliage
  • FREE Valentine's-themed Mini Card 

Purchase any additional gift and receive a FREE Love-themed Gift Bag! 

Due to the unique nature of this product, we recommend pre-ordering in advance to secure your order. If we are unable to procure the selected roses, we will contact you to resolve your order.


接客地点为 24 Centreway, Mount Waverley VIC 3149。



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