Lifespan of orchids are considerably longer than flowers, but as a plant, do ensure you undertake the proper care instructions listed on the care-guide tag attached to the plant. Also known as Moth orchids, Phalaenopsis orchids are semi-tropical and like moist, humid environments. These orchids enjoy the morning sun. Since this plant species is more prone to rotting, Melissa's Florist and Gifts suggests you water your orchid with relative caution.
- Water once a week. Avoid overwatering as this can rot the plant.
- Keep orchid near a window, for only one of the following; either morning sun, or afternoon sun. Stay away from bright, direct sunlight.
- Feed your orchid with a special plant fertiliser (free packets in-store!) once a week
- If your orchid stops blooming, repot in new orchid potting mix.
- No cold drafts and breezes, or dry, hot heat.
If your orchid is (1) suddenly dropping its flowers, (2) turning yellow, (3) drooping, the orchid is suffering root rot. Root Rot looks like (1) deep green, brown, or even black roots (2) that are mushy and soft.
- Immediately stop watering.
- Prune the rotting leaves and remove dead flowers, using sterilised scissors.