Roses Are the Best Valentine's Day Gift - And You Can't Change My Mind

Roses Are the Best Valentine's Day Gift - And You Can't Change My Mind

Melissa Yu发布

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and we're here to help you say 'I love you' with a romantic bouquet of red roses. Delight your beloved this Saint Valentine's, the designated day for all things romance. 

Unequivocally, roses are universally appreciated and symbolise love and passion in every language around the world. Roses are especially popular gifts in Australia. According to a 2019 survey by Brewquets, flowers were the most popular Valentine’s Day gift for women, with an impressive 77% of men choosing a fresh bunch of red roses as a heartfelt surprise. 

"Roses are too cliché and unoriginal."

Roses are a classic for a reason. Their elegance and deep romantic connotations make them the perfect gift for expressing love. To add a unique touch, consider opting for different colours, such as our Glimmer Pink Bouquet, or combining roses, like our Mixed Rose Bouquet, to create a personalised and stunning bouquet.

"Roses don't last long."

With proper care, roses can last for a significant amount of time. Follow our expert tips for maintaining their freshness on our care guide, such as cutting the stems at an angle, changing the water regularly, and keeping them away from direct sunlight. Plus, the memory of receiving such a thoughtful gift, as well as the heartfelt message that is delivered with it, will last even longer. 

"I'm not sure if my partner likes roses."

Roses are universally appreciated and symbolise love and admiration. If you're unsure, consider asking your partner subtly or observing their reactions to flowers in general. Everybody loves a romantic surprise, especially when paired with a heartfelt Valentine message or simply the thought behind the gift. Alternatively, you can pair roses with other flowers or gifts to ensure they receive something they'll love. These milk heart chocolates or love you teddy bear make a perfect complement.  

"I want to give something more practical."

While practical gifts have their place, Valentine's Day is about celebrating love and emotions. Flowers, especially roses, carry sentimental value that practical gifts might lack. Consider combining roses with a practical gift to provide the best of both worlds. Our preserved roses display the beauty of a natural rose for years, making them an enduring symbol of your affection. With preserved roses, you get the best of both worlds—a stunning flower that endures the test of time. And what about these silk rose petals, perfect for scattering on the dining table for a delightful surprise? 

"I bought roses last year; I want to do something different."

Traditions are cherished for a reason, and receiving roses can become a memorable yearly ritual. To keep things fresh, consider varying the presentation, such as a different arrangement, adding a personal note, or including an additional surprise like chocolates or a teddy bear. Our florists recommend the Rose and Lily Box and the Snow Blue Rose Bouquet for a change of style.

Without a doubt, red roses are guaranteed to send a symbolic and ubiquitous message of love and are simply a must-have on Valentine's Day. And we have you covered. We provide same day delivery to 50 suburbs in Melbourne's south-east. We offer no-cost complimentary delivery to 25 suburbs, which you can find in our delivery and shipping information. Browse the perfect Valentine's Day surprise, delivered straight to your home, today!

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flowers season

这个季节我最喜欢的花|梅丽莎的花店 Mount Waverley 有这些库存!

经过 David Adamson

Bloom 博客的读者们大家好! 今天我就给大家带来这个花季里我最喜欢的花!过去的两个月充满了色彩和气味的旋风。我喜欢在韦弗利山古色古香的花店里的每一刻。请阅读并稍后感谢我您新发现的花卉宝藏! 1. 嘉兰菊 这朵美丽的花朵披散着火红色和橙色的羽毛,花瓣呈卷曲的爪子展开。这种活泼的花以三茎为一组,并不是廉价的捕获物 - 但它看起来确实很慷慨!嘉兰花触感细腻,带着淡淡的脆弱,缓和了其火热的气息。 2. 坎特伯雷钟 啊,辉煌的坎特伯雷钟。我能说什么 - 这朵花就是我的最爱。坎特伯雷钟有着柔和的粉彩花朵头(让人想起小铃仙和天使翅膀的小天使——童话故事中的东西),散发出一种淡淡的、流浪的温柔。到目前为止我最喜欢的季节花!这种花的花期将于下周(12 月中旬)结束,因此请快速跳上潮流车,享受日常的柔和美丽。我特别喜欢这种花有多种柔和的色彩:丁香色、紫罗兰色、淡蓝色和淡粉色。 3.牡丹 当然,谁能错过这颗宝石——牡丹。也许是最受欢迎的花朵之一,所以我的许多客户都询问难以捉摸、蓬松的牡丹。花瓣像盛开的玫瑰花蕾一样展开,而香气是柔和的甜味和花香(类似于茉莉花!)。我喜欢我的牡丹,但它们很快就会枯萎!正如他们所说——美丽转瞬即逝!好好照顾它们,牡丹就会回报你。对于花粉过敏的人来说是一个安全的选择。 好了,今天就讲到这里!我很快就会再次见到你,带着更多美味的花香小食!谢谢。 好奇谁储存了这些可爱的花朵吗?韦弗利山的梅丽莎花店和礼品店就是这么做的!在这里找到我们。 绽放博客 阿米莉亚

A bouquet

热情绽放:从事花店职业的 5 个令人信服的理由

经过 David Adamson

在这个充满喧嚣的世界里,插花艺术提供了一丝新鲜空气。 如果您曾被花朵的美丽所吸引,请考虑深入探索花艺世界。 在梅丽莎花店和礼品店,我们相信成为一名花店是一条铺满花瓣的道路,每片花瓣都提供独特的体验和机会。 这里有五个令人信服的理由来培养您对花朵的热情。 1.创意重新绽放(链接: 拥抱春天的美好) 作为一名花匠,您是自然调色板的艺术家。您制作的每一束花都是体现您创造力的独特杰作。通过每一种布置,您都有机会注入您的个人风格和艺术天赋,通过讲述美丽故事的花朵来庆祝不断变化的季节。 2. 创造有意义的时刻(链接: 如何送花) 鲜花是情感的语言,作为一名花店,你有能力帮助人们表达他们的感受。从生日到周年纪念日,您的安排成为情感的容器,以超越言语的花瓣形式传递欢乐、爱和安慰。 3.预算友好的美容(链接: 预算上的绽放) 即使预算有限,鲜花也会照亮生活。作为一名花店意味着精心策划价格实惠的花艺,让人们脸上绽放笑容。您可以向人们展示优雅不一定需要高昂的价格标签,让任何人都能体验花朵的美丽。 4. 培育自然的优雅(链接: 如何照顾你的花朵) 每束令人惊叹的花束背后都隐藏着保存的艺术。作为一名花匠,您将成为大自然优雅的守护者,指导其他人如何照顾他们的花卉伴侣。您的专业知识可确保人们更长久地品味花朵转瞬即逝的美丽。 5. 通过象征主义建立联系(链接: 花的语言) 每片花瓣中,都有一条等待被理解的信息。作为一名花匠,您要解开每朵花背后的象征意义和意义。从代表爱情的玫瑰到代表欢乐的向日葵,您可以通过花朵丰富的语言将人们联系起来。 结论 花店的职业是邀请您沉浸在自然美景和人际关系的世界中。在梅丽莎花店和礼品店,我们庆祝对花朵的热情,这种热情驱使人们拥抱插花艺术。如果您准备好踏上一段旅程,让花瓣成为您的画布,让插花成为您的媒介,请考虑成为一名花店的迷人道路。在我们的Bloom 博客上探索更多信息,其中的每个条目都揭示了...




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